New York State
Association of Fire Chiefs

Providing Service to Those Who Serve

National Interoperability Radio Channel Forms

The following information has been provided by the NYSAFC Communications Committee to assist fire and EMS agencies to quickly locate the national interoperability radio channels when dispatched to assist in a mutual aid jurisdiction that does not share your normal day-to-day radio channels.  

The Communications Committee recommends that each agency fill out these forms and keep them in the cab your apparatus where they are readily available. The forms can be printed and filled out with a pen, or the PDF files can be updated and saved on your mobile data computers or tablets. They will provide a quick reference so you can locate the assigned infrequently used national interoperability radio channel while en route to the incident.

Email questions to the Communications Committee.
How to Use the Interoperability Forms:

  • These forms should be filled out by someone in your agency that is very familiar with the channel layout in your mobile and portable radios.
  • At the top of the form, identify the vehicle and radio being cataloged.
  • If the channel is present in your radio, enter the zone number and channel number in the empty boxes to the left of the channel name.
  • If the channel is NOT present in your radio, leave that line blank.
  • Have another person look the completed form over to verify its accuracy.
  • Place the completed form in the vehicle, along with other pre-plan documents that are carried in the vehicle.
  • An example form is available here.

Forms (Fillable PDFs):