New York State
Association of Fire Chiefs

Providing Service to Those Who Serve

Regional Hands-On Training – Beyond the Basics

Eight-Hour Program Overview
This full-day, eight-hour program features seven hands-on training stations covering hoseline advancement, forcible entry, survival skills, ladders, saws, vent enter search (live fire evolution), and thermal imaging camera techniques (live fire evolution). Students will participate in a brief orientation and then complete all stations over the course of the day. This highly interactive program will keep every firefighter engaged and is geared toward firefighters operating in low-manpower situations.

Course Prerequisites (or Equivalents)
Firefighter I OR Basic Firefighter and Intermediate Firefighter OR Firefighting Essentials and Initial Fire Attack. Each student must also provide a signed authorization letter from the chief of his/her department (sample letter will be provided with student registration confirmation). All students must be interior qualified under New York state requirements to participate in live fire training programs.

PPE Requirements
Each student must bring his or her own OSHA compliant full firefighter protective equipment (no jumpsuits or coveralls), SCBA, and two cylinders.

How to Host a Program in Your Region
Complete and submit a Regional Hands-On Training –  Beyond the Basics Host Request Form, which outlines all host responsibilities. Training will be provided in New York state only. Programs will be scheduled throughout the year based on availability of the association’s training unit. Email NYSAFC with questions regarding Hands-On Training.