Fire/EMS COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources
- By: Staff
- On: 03/20/2020 11:25:06
- In: NYSAFC News
Useful information for emergency responders is available from the New York State Department of Health, International Association of Fire Chiefs, U.S. Fire Administration, and Centers for Disease Control.
New York State Department of Health
The New York State Department of Health Bureau of EMS is providing the most up-to-date information for EMS and fire service personnel to use during the COVID-19 outbreak:
NYS DOH Information for Providers
NYS DOH Bureau of EMS Policy Statements and SEMAC Advisories
NYS DOH – Information on Novel Coronavirus
Additionally, the Bureau wants members to know that these websites are updated frequently. Hence, when sharing information, it is advisable to share the link rather than download documents from the site and repost them.
International Association of Fire Chiefs
IAFC Coronavirus (COVID-19): Resources for Fire Chiefs
IAFC “Coronavirus: What Fire Chiefs Need to Know” March 16 Webinar
U.S. Fire Administration
Information for the Worried Public
As public safety professionals, it is our duty to disseminate facts, not fear. For members of the public, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has an excellent site with information on preparing and keeping citizens safe.
Additional Resources:
COVID-19 Training: N-95 Donning and Doffing From Mike McEvoy & Fire Engineering
NYSAFC thanks Mike McEvoy of the EMS Committee for his assistance.