NYSAFC, FASNY, AFDSNY, and NYSFCA Stand in Solidarity with the Family of Firefighter Jared Lloyd
- By: Staff
- On: 06/21/2023 15:32:32
- In: NYSAFC News
On March 23, 2021, Firefighter Jared Lloyd of the Spring Valley Fire Department – Columbian Engine Company 1 (Rockland County) gave his life while rescuing elderly residents of a nursing home fire. NYSAFC is not in favor of a plea agreement in the case involving the tragic loss of Firefighter Lloyd.
June 16, 2023
Honorable Thomas E. Walsh
Rockland County District Attorney
Dear Mr. Walsh:
I write on behalf of the more than 80,000 volunteer firefighters in New York State. These dedicated men and women give countless hours of their time and energy to protect the citizens of their communities. They willingly assume the risks inherent in this commitment while asking nothing in return.
On March 23, 2021, volunteer firefighter Jared Lloyd of the Spring Valley Fire Department gave his life while rescuing elderly residents of a nursing home fire. Firefighter Lloyd performed heroically that day even while knowing his personal safety was at great risk. Tragically, Jared Lloyd made the ultimate sacrifice while saving the lives of several nursing home residents. In the time since that fire, it has come to light that several individuals may be responsible for causing or contributing to the underlying fire event that took the life of Firefighter Lloyd and injured several other first responders.
Society must send a strong message that irresponsible and illegal behavior will not be tolerated. Laws, fire safety standards, and building codes exist to protect citizens and first responders alike. To ensure that tragedies like this do not occur, alleged violations must be investigated thoroughly and full punishment must be meted out to all responsible parties.
It has come to our attention that your office is considering a plea deal for some of the individuals who are allegedly responsible for the fire that led to Firefighter Lloyd's death. We urge you, in the strongest possible terms, to refrain from offering any plea deal in this matter. A plea deal will send a chilling message to all first responders that their selfless service can be bargained away in pursuit of an expeditious legal process for wrongdoers. The absence of punishment for conduct that leads to the death of first responders tacitly encourages future violations that will result in equally disastrous and tragic outcomes.
We recognize that your office has the authority to prosecute illegal conduct and pursue justice in this case. A plea deal in this case would have a devastating effect on the morale of the fire service and would negatively impact public safety across New York. We urge you to comprehensively investigate the actions that caused this tragic event and fully prosecute all individuals who may be responsible.
President R. Scott Ewing (NYSAFC)
President Edward Tase, Jr. (FASNY)
President Donald Corkery (AFDSNY)
President Bill Streicher (NYSFCA)
Letter (.JPG)